Thursday 25 October 2007

Diving In Playa Blanca

For a change whilst in Lanzarote I decided to dive with a different outfit on a dive organised by one of the entertainments team in the hotel I was staying in.

He arranged for us to be picked up from Costa Teguise in the morning and ran down to the white sands of Playa Blanca. Most of the group were a French family - excellent fun to be with! They had never dived before and were heading down for a try dive.

Kitted up in the shop, crossed the road, down the beach and straight into the water! Easy access, just a shame it took almost an hour to get to the shop.

Not being used to the equipment (in the days before my own gear) I'd taken too much weight down. The German guy I was with took too little - between us we managed. Just a pity all the weights were strapped on and couldn't be passed between us!

Was a nice dive, but apart from ease of entry and the white sands, pretty much the same as dives elsewhere on the island. Maybe even slightly less fish as the beach was used a lot by other water sports.

Worth diving if you are there, not sure about trekking across island to go there.

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